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生命礼赞手抄报(生命颂 朗费罗)


关于“珍爱生命”的手抄报,可以写如下内容: 1、什么是生命:生命只是一个期限,所以生命唯一继续存在的机会,就是生生不息地创造–创造新的生命,创造生命的延续。

2、名言警句: 人生天地之间,若白驹过隙,忽然而已(庄子) 人生天地间,忽如远行客(古诗十九首) 三万六千日,夜夜当秉烛。白日何短短,百年若易海—(唐·李白) 3、自我保护方法: 上学和放学的路上,最好与同学结伴而行,遇意外时可以互相帮助。不要单独到荒凉、偏僻 、灯光昏暗的地方。遇到抢劫时,应以保护自身生命和安全为首要原则,不要过多地顾及财物。不到万不得已,不要硬拼,避免造成更大的损失。关键时应大声呼救,及时报警。报警时,应确认对方是110报警台后再述说。尽量明确地告知出事地点、坏人的人数,是否有武器和交通工具的种类等细节,还要留下联系办法。4、诗歌: 《今日歌》文嘉今日复今日,今日何其少!人生百年几今日,今日不为真可惜! 若言姑待明朝至,明朝又有明朝事。为君聊赋《今日诗》,努力请从今日始。注:手抄报是一种可传阅、可观赏、也可张贴的报纸的另一种形式。在学校,手抄报是第二课堂的一种很好的活动形式,和ppt有异曲同工之妙,不过与ppt不同的是手抄报是纯手工的,只有一页纸,所以要合理安排内容。手抄报和黑板报一样,手抄报也是一种群众性的宣传工具。它就相当于缩小版的黑板报。


生命礼赞(A Psalm of Life)是美国诗人亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)创作的一首诗歌。以下是该诗的英文原文:

By the flowing stream, by the murmuring brook,

In the chill of autumn, when leaves are turning red,

By the goldenrod, by the aster’s bloom,

I send a greeting, a message to thee,

Thou who dost dwell in the solitudes of nature,

Where the winds are thy music, and the waters thy bed,

Thou who dost speak to the listening ear of the pines,

And call the brown squirrel from her nest in the branches.

I know not what thou art, nor what thy name,

But I believe that thou art a spirit of the earth,

Whose presence is a benediction to me,

And whose soft influence cometh to my heart.

Thou dost bring me peace in the midst of my cares,

And strengthen my soul in its weakness and despair,

Thou dost guide me in the paths of right and truth,

And givest me hope in the midst of my sorrows.

I thank thee for thy presence, O unknown power,

Whose influence is about me, like a fragrance of flowers,

I thank thee for thy grace, O invisible guide,

Whose hand is upon me, leading me to the light.

And now, as I stand by the streamlet’s edge,

I send thee a greeting, a message of love,

That thou mayest feel the warmth of my heart,

And know that I am grateful for thy guidance and care.

Go on thy way, O mysterious being,

And let the peace of nature be always with thee,

And may the flowers of the field, and the song of the bird,

Continue to be thy companions in the solitudes of the earth.








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  • 你可以把要求发来看一下 也许我可以帮的上忙。 。


  • 在线等!!急!!
  • 活着—张艺谋


  • 力宏以前为非洲儿童写的《生命的礼赞》,在江西南昌哪里有卖?大概多少钱?要正版的,求帮忙啊,不要花哨的答案,实在一点,好的就采纳!
  • 我也再找呢,不过oh有一段时间在组织购买m现在停止了,大陆目前没有呀c。。。网上应该也不会有。我印象中好像是限售的
